Finland’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs: The Government’s Russia Action Plan was approved

Russia is returning to the forefront of international politics. In addition, the country has again become Finland’s most important trade partner. What is Finland doing?

The Government has today passed a Government Resolution on the first ever Russia Action Plan which, based on the Government Programme, establishes the guidelines for management of the Government’s relations with Russia.

The Russia Action Plan has been prepared under the leadership of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs and in consultation with representatives of the Ministries, business and industry, and the research community.

The Action Plan is forward-looking and comprehensive, reflecting Finland’s present evaluation of Russia’s current development. It also gives Finland’s assessment of the general trend of relations between EU and Russia, and between Finland and Russia, as well as Finland’s goals. The Action Plan has the following priorities: 1) Finland’s policy towards Russia; 2) expertise in Russian affairs; and 3) coordination of Finland’s policy towards Russia.

The Government will regularly evaluate the Russia Action Plan and its realisation, and the Action Plan will be updated as needed on the basis of this. A Russia Forum, led by the Prime Minister, will be created to support the realisation of the Action Plan; preparatory work is done by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs. Representatives of government, business and industry, research and education, regions, and civil society organisation will be invited to participate in the work of the Forum, depending on the topic of discussion.

The Russia Action Plan, in Finnish and Swedish and later in English, is available on the website of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs at

Russia is returning to the forefront of international politics. In addition, the country has again become Finland’s most important trade partner. What is Finland doing?

The Government has today passed a Government Resolution on the first ever Russia Action Plan which, based on the Government Programme, establishes the guidelines for management of the Government’s relations with Russia.

The Russia Action Plan has been prepared under the leadership of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs and in consultation with representatives of the Ministries, business and industry, and the research community.

The Action Plan is forward-looking and comprehensive, reflecting Finland’s present evaluation of Russia’s current development. It also gives Finland’s assessment of the general trend of relations between EU and Russia, and between Finland and Russia, as well as Finland’s goals. The Action Plan has the following priorities: 1) Finland’s policy towards Russia; 2) expertise in Russian affairs; and 3) coordination of Finland’s policy towards Russia.

The Government will regularly evaluate the Russia Action Plan and its realisation, and the Action Plan will be updated as needed on the basis of this. A Russia Forum, led by the Prime Minister, will be created to support the realisation of the Action Plan; preparatory work is done by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs. Representatives of government, business and industry, research and education, regions, and civil society organisation will be invited to participate in the work of the Forum, depending on the topic of discussion.

The Russia Action Plan, in Finnish and Swedish and later in English, is available on the website of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs at

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